Wednesday, June 25, 2014

2 months on Nature-Throid

It has been two months of taking the natural hormone replacement Nature-throid and I feel so much better. I believe that it has affected almost everything:how I sleep, my appetite, my energy level, and apparently other hormones because that time of the month has not been nearly as bad emotionally. Overall I just feel healthier. But, I have really only lost a small amount of weight and I blame my eating habits. I definitely feel like it keeps me from gaining so much when I have over eaten.  I made out my meal plan for the week (this is so helpful), and I'm getting ready to go to the store to stock up on all kinds of great healthy foods! At least I lost back the pounds I gained at the beach. So ready to take some more weight off this week. My next weigh in will be next Tuesday.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


I gained 3 pounds on my vacation. This is not too bad however, I really wanted to gain 0 pounds. I will be content with this and start working from here. I am pretty sure that if I had not been on nature throid then I would have gained even more. I find being on vacation is a mental game and takes a lot of discipline to stay on track. Honestly, I was about half and half. Which, for being on vacation with three grown men who eat a lot and often I'm going to choose to feel pretty good about how I did. Positive begets positive.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Well... I'm back from vacay

I think it is reasonable to say that my eating plan on my vacation was a big fail! I have decided not to weigh until I have a few days of lower calorie and exercise under my belt. I really feel like I'm going through some emotional changes and I'm trying to make good choices but relying on food too much for comfort. I'm using MyFitnessPal again this week. The first few days I'm definitely eating 1500 calories or less. I will weigh myself at the end of this week and see if I'm at least where I was when I left for vacation. I'm not going to weigh until then I think it will I only get me upset :-(. When I went to the grocery store today, I got some great  choices for snacks and meals for the week.  I have a chicken salad recipe that is lean and delicious that I will be making. I have some whole grain sprouted bread and lots of natural peanut butter and wonderful vegetables to make a great salad with and light dressing. This ought to be a great week! But for now tonight I have to go to my dads house 4 a cookout ,okay , also have approximately 800 calories left. Fingers crossed-  that i will correctly calculate what i eat  and keep below my calorie goal. At this point it's one day at a time :-)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Goal for vacation

I'm heading to lovely Florida for a week. Lots of eating out and lazy days ahead. My goal is just not to gain weight this week. I want to come back within 2-4 lb.s of my current weight (176). So really what I mean is not gain any substantial weight. I do not want to back pedal so much that I create another obstacle to overcome. I would rather enjoy healthy fresh foods and some treats. I'm going to attempt 25/75 diet this upcoming week. That is make 75% of what I eat nutritious lean food --- then eat a treat or two. I also plan on being active as much as possible. Do not get me wrong I'm going to relax but I do want to keep in the back of my head the fact that I do not want to lose so much ground that it is a battle just to get back where I am now. Wish me luck. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1st

Don't you just love a fresh new month? I am sitting on my deck enjoying a cup of coffee I am thinking about this little roller coaster ride that I am on. Also I'm thinking about my workout regime what's gone well and what hasn't.  First and foremost I want to say that my weight is still the same. That means I lost 0 pounds last week. I had good days and bad days I am realizing that summer is the most difficult time 2 stay disciplined. This can be overcome. I am working on my mental attitude about staying on track. To be honest, enjoying certain activities in the summertime with a few cold drinks is a big inhibitor to my weight loss.
    As far as my working out is concerned, I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 5 days in a row and then took a break for 2 days. I will get back to that today. But I do feel like it's doing something. I'm feeling firmer just from the first 5 days. I stayed on my normal workout regime which is spinning class twice a week, and Zumba twice a week. I'm pretty active but the area that I have been lacking in over the past 3 years is some toning using weights. I plan on sticking with this 30 day shred and not taking anymore breaks. I believe it will help a lot.
  So, here we are at the beginning of June, which means I am embarking on my second month of being on the thyroid medication Nature-Throid. Perhaps the first month was my body getting used to the medication and my mind getting used to letting go of certain foods and comforts. I am ready to begin anew and focus on my goals. I want to lose 50 pounds by Christmas break. I want to feel good in blue jeans and stop feeling so negative about my inability to complete this goal. I want to conquer this problem and I must remember that. I think I forget about how important these goals are  to me, because I focus on my weakness instead of my strength.